Friday, June 5, 2015

May God bless you and grant you rest for your weary body, peace for your troubled mind, and sweet dreams that become reality!

© Gloria Smith 2014

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Wilted flowers wishing for their youth; crying for their Spring... Oh to be fresh again; blossoms shivering in the wind. But alas, they cannot bloom again; cannot make you smile. Petals scatter in the breeze; stems lay prostrate on the ground and in the mirror I can see a wilted flower looking back at me.
© Gloria Smith 2012


© Gloria Smith 2015
Long after I'm gone I will love on
Don't think me gone for I will come
Once more to you my one true love
Who was so faithful and so brave
Whose kindness you so freely gave
My Words will haunt your heart
Will reach to you from out the dark
And endless sleep of human frame
Your heart has but to call my name
In my repose perchance my prose 
Will yet bespeak my endless love
And Angels bear upon their wings
My voice again to softly sing 
Within the gentle springtime breeze
That stirs the Weeping Cherry tree
A lilting ballad of Faith renewed
And of my sacred love for you

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


You take a "pain pill" -- funny wording that... like you're taking a pill to "cause pain." smirk
Then pretty soon your body gets used to the dose and it only takes the edge off the pain. Severe, chronic, debilitating pain cannot be understood unless it is experienced.
So you increase the dose just a little and then some more because you can't sleep, you can't rest; you're totally worn out. The bottle says every 6 hours. You wait for the six hours to be over. You watch the clock.
It's not long until you're taking the "pill for pain" every 4 hours, maybe every 3 hours. It depends on how well you can tolerate the agony. 
You call the Doctor. He increases the dose. "Nothing more can be done." says the Nurse with a jaded concern in her voice. You hear the unspoken thought. She wonders if you're an addict. She hasn't had long-term unrelenting pain. That's obvious and she's seen way too many addicts. It's understandable.
No... you are not an addict. Not yet and by God's grace you never will be but how do you survive this pain? No one has an answer.
You smile in public. You can't writhe upon your bed there. You can't moan and hold yourself. You smile and sit as still as possible in your chair. You smile and answer politely and do things as normally as possible. You walk as quickly as your body will allow and try not to hate the thing you live in that is full of abject misery.
And... you... Smile.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

© Gloria Smith 2015

The Gloaming sits upon the Sky

It's calling out to you and I

To tell the glorious day Good-Bye

Come out to play with the stars so high

Friday, March 13, 2015


 © Gloria Smith 2015

The hurt was as raw as an exposed nerve
And I could not even sing my pain away
For I had lost my song 
Until you came along
Then you became my smile
And my heart beat on...

Monday, March 9, 2015

My Soul has grown a lot today. I watered it well with tears...

© Gloria Smith 2015
How still the night and how the silence screams and yet it seems my heart can only call to you but breaks in two for it hears no soft reply...

© Gloria Smith 2012

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


© Gloria Smith, 2014

My soul, Oh my soul
Liquid, darkness mixed among the light
Light and lightning
Silk and Lace; anguished face
Perfume rises amidst my breasts
Strong hands rest upon my thigh
While Angels sail across the sky
Surely owned, stories untold
Lovely night moans
Among the Moonstruck clouds
It cries out loud for a Lover's kiss
Hidden broken heart
Hide quickly tender spirit
Here he comes
He comes
Hide quickly Oh my soul
Heart runs away amazed
Beat silently; slowly measured breaths
Eyes bright
Lips open to tickle my throat
My soul, oh my soul